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Monday, September 3, 2018

Monday: Overnighter + Veto Ceremony Spoiler

Happy Labor Day, everyone! In case anyone missed the note a few days ago, I'll be doing only 1 post per day until Thursday night (possibly longer if everything goes the way I'm thinking it'll go). The feeds are super uneventful lately. Even my Twitter feed is like a ghost town.

Today was the Veto Ceremony and...

Kaycee did NOT use the veto
Haleigh/Scottie remain on the block

Scottie is the target this week. The pecking order for the rest of the season seems to be Scottie/Haleigh/(JC or Sam) and then Brett/Angela/Kaycee/Tyler will fight it out. This can, of course, change if JC/Sam/Brett win HOH. Why did I include Brett in that? Well because today he mentioned trying to get a Final 3 of himself with Sam/JC going. If Sam is as loyal to Tyler as we think she is, then she'll just go tell Tyler and Brett could get himself evicted sooner rather than later. I understand why Brett is doing this, though: he knows he's the lowest on the L6 totem pole and trying to be good on all fronts.

In other interesting news, Tyler lied to his real F2 Kaycee the other day when she had asked him if anyone has pitched him F2 deals. Tyler said no, and that some have more or less hinted at it but nothing happened. (*Uh oh.)

And last but not least...
BB fans are in an uproar because during the last HOH comp, Tyler should've been technically disqualified for removing both feet from the disc.

Vegas (BB leaker) on Twitter said production reviewed the footage but most likely nothing was going to change. (click the pic to enlarge)

Oh, and the Have Nots for the week are JC/Sam/Scottie. JC is not happy, as you can imagine. lol BB made the 1st three HG's that fell during the HOH comp become Have Not's for the week.

**And that's it for this post! I'll be back tomorrow with another update. Until then, have a great rest of your labor day weekend!!

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

Sick painting to share after he wins BB.

Unknown said...

Looks to me like Tyler should be disqualified. They ought to show them the footage, though.That would really shake thing up!! Fair is fair.

Donna said...

That's how Have Nots should be picked. No rotation or volunteers.

Unknown said...

In all fairness, Tyler should be disqualified and Haileigh should be assigned as the new HOH with some sort of a fast-one-show-week. Rules are rules. Unintentional or not he broke the rule. I personally would love the drama and the fallout of this. Tyler himself could end up going home! Many fans may like him enough to balk at this. If production does not do anything about this now, they may legally be bound to compensate houses guests that are unfairly displaced... this could nullify the whole season. The screenshot of the facts is undeniable. Expect the fu@#& Unexpected!!

JTrimm said...

So two things. At no point during the show did they state that feet had to stay on the disc. Jaycee hinted it at it but was not stated as part of the official rules. JC has claimed that was part of the rules too on the love feeds.

Two. You can't just gift it to haleigh. You'd have to rerun the comp.


Wow this is so unfair. Haleigh should be Hoh. If Tyler is not disqualified then it’s clear production wants him to win the game.

Unknown said...

I was rooting for Tyler but fair is fair.... gotta give it to Haleigh and start it this Thursday... no one goes home and she put up her nominees

Razldazlrr said...

wow - that's so ridiculous that Tyler not disqualified! that picture makes it obvious he broke the rules! this is why I stop watching some of these shows, when production manipulates the outcome. (that's what they did with a winner of survivor - it was so obvious who production wanted to win)

Unknown said...

But when Angela was reading the rules it just said you could not sit on the disk, there was nothing about keeping your feet on it at all times. Right? Or am I wrong??

JKizzle said...

nah, just as with pro or college sports where much more is on the line, if the officials don’t catch something in the moment or in real time with instant replay, but after the game discover they messed up, they admit they were wrong but live with the result. had bb found the error while the game was still going then i wouldn’t see a prob with disqualifying Tyler as I have seen them do before. bb did not though and Tyler and other players took actions based on that result after the game, so reversing the HOH outcome after convos and noms and what not would be super messy and inconsistent with best practices from tons and tons of other sports examples. only one I can recall that does this is golf for stuff fans catch after the fact.

Rosie said...

I think the people who are complaining don't even know the rules. They were not read on air. When Angela read them she said do not sit on the disc and the last man standing on it will be hoh. I think it's implied what you do in between is ok as long as you don't sit or fall. Carlos is talking about compensating house guests. If they started doing that they would have to give money to Tyler for JC's antics and they would have to give money to Haliegh for sams antics and on and on and on. I say let it go.

Maizrim said...

Funny thing to me is how many people said this season has been so great, but Tyler's crew/blind loyalty to him (think of Sam crying when he was nominated by the Hacker) is no different than the one-sided game-play of Paul and his side of the house last year.

IMO Big Brother is best when it's back and forth, back and forth... having an inept alliance vs a great player in Tyler, is very boring. (so much that blogs/Twitter accounts aren't updating very much)

I very much hope Tyler gets evicted by Haleigh (or Scottie) next week, and then Level 6 can play the game against each other. I'd love to see a final 5 where there are no clear-cut favorites to win.

pgh fan said...

Tyler held himself without slipping off I think you had to not hit ground or bottom on disc. Not sure about feet at all times. Regardless done. Jc will puppet his way to jury house. They all see him bossy.

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