Yesterday, Scottie told Haleigh (and I believe she told Tyler?) that Scottie mentioned how Bay/Rockstar/Fessy "decided" that the jury house will all vote the same way for the winner of BB this season. They need 5 votes for the majority vote and they already have 3 (Bay/Rock/Fess) Haleigh/Scottie once they enter the jury (if they agree to vote that way). Tyler is pissed that they would do that and said a jury pact would ruin BB and that the best player should win. (*I agree wholeheartedly.) So it's possible that because of bitter jurors, the best man/woman may not win this season.
Nothing really happened last night on the feeds (I have a feeling I'll be saying that for the next few days). Angela/Tyler had a nice talk around 9pm BBT if you'd like to Flashback to that convo.
They talked about having a crush on each other, talked more about going "on a date to Hawaii", Angela admitted she hates peanut butter and jelly sandwiches but loves sushi. They then talked about how America might be perceiving them. They think they're the good side of the house and more entertaining because they're playing the game.
While Angela/Tyler were up in the HOH room, the rest of the HG's were downstairs playing "Would You Rather.." game.
**And that's it for this Overnighter! Today is Sunday Funday and the HG's are looking forward to doing nothing today. So expect naps, swimming, and very little campaigning between Haleigh/Scottie. Scottie thinks he's safe, as Haleigh doesn't want to campaign too much against Scottie.
A double eviction can't come soon enough. lol I want L6 to start turning on each other soon. While we're in a bit of a lull right now game-wise, the last 2 weeks will hopefully finish the season off with a bang.
Have a great Sunday Funday!!!
Stay tuned...
Bummer - I hoped Scottie would win the veto - happy Sunday!
Part of the game is jury management. The zingbot should have clued in Angela that she isn't a nice person. If L6 had better jury management and not did mean exit interviews maybe the jury wouldn't have been so bitter. Now that side was awful at playing the game. But the only thing that L6 had on the other side was loyalty. It's not like they won so many comps. Tyler has played the best game but has he really made any attempt to get the other side to like him.....NOPE.
Part of the game is jury management. The zingbot should have clued in Angela that she isn't a nice person. If L6 had better jury management and not did mean exit interviews maybe the jury wouldn't have been so bitter. Now that side was awful at playing the game. But the only thing that L6 had on the other side was loyalty. It's not like they won so many comps. Tyler has played the best game but has he really made any attempt to get the other side to like him.....NOPE.
I feel like Haleigh has done Scottie so dirty. I wish there was a chance for him to stay this week.
I really wish the show would come up with a new way of determining the winner. I understand securing a jury vote is part of the game & should be part of the player’s strategy, but too often the jury members vote with their emotions as opposed to awarding and respecting good game play. I think Tyler has played a really smart game, however the jury already has it out for him and he will likely lose to whomever he is sitting next to, if he makes it to final two.
I want to see JC go soon. I was actually hoping Tyler would BD him this week. He is shady, kind of reminds me of Andy - yuck! I know if he makes it to F2 he will win and he doesn’t deserve it. He hasn’t been playing, throwing every comp. I’m so happy people are comparing notes and are on to him now. It would’ve made more sense for Tyler to keep Scottie as an ally this week and give JC the boot.
If the jury is bitter angela and Tyler should be the final two they are the ones playing the best game and I belive Brett is playing good also except he needs to win an hoh
I agree with you Unknown! Angela thinks that people like her? She has been NASTY to others! Why would the jury vote for her after she spoke to them the way she did?
Every jury is bitter, until they have time to decompress. Even at that, some people are just bitter in life and nothing will change that!! Lol
JC - Throwing every comp or just can't win any so that's the excuse used??
I disagree. JC has been pulling a lot of strings without getting any blood on his hands. Brilliant!!
Unless it's Angela.
I agree completely. Part of being a great player is Jury Management, which is often overlooked!
To bad the jury will ruin the first decent season we have had in a while. They should be thinking how petty they will look to the viewing audience. So small minded.
This has been boring lately I can't wait for L6 to go after each other.
Ya JC better not win! He is sneaky though but I've always been a fan of people that are direct and make bold moves not sneaky
I agree that jury management is part of the game, but more times than not the jury members are bitter and end up not voting for the best game. Like last season, Paul was polarizing, but played circles around Josh. But josh won because Paul upset too many people by playing the game.
He hasn't? A hive member leaves and comes back and immediately talks about his relationship with Tyler and how he wants to team up with him. Am I wrong?
Why is Angela the only one being called out when Rockstar and Haleigh have been nasty as well? Is it because Angela is winning and they arent?
I could not stand watching Andy that season!
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