If Scottie doesn't win veto, he's most likely a goner. If either of them win veto, then it's possible JC could be the renom. (This would be Tyler's worst case scenario to have to put up either of his Final 2 deals with both JC and Sam, but that's all he has left for pawns.) This afternoon, KC reminded Angela that JC has yet to be nominated, as Angela said agreed and said she'd rather him (JC) go up instead of Sam if they need a replacement nom this week.
Today is the Veto Comp and the players were already picked. Let's see who's playing!
The Veto Players are:
Tyler/Angela said they hope that JC won't throw yet another competition. Kaycee mentioned that JC is "pissed" that he got picked to play in today's Veto. (*lol)
I'll be back to update this post after the Veto Comp is over and reveal the winner. Stay tuned!!
UPDATED @ 7:09pm BBT:
Winner of the Veto is:
This means that Scottie will be going to jury again and we're in for yet another boring week of feeds. The only possible drama we could have this week is if Haleigh decides to finally go off on Sam. (Sam's been getting on Hal's nerves for awhile now and something happened during the Veto Comp tonight which ticked Haleigh off even more. It's still unclear right now what Sam said that made her angry, we'll have to wait to see.) Brett told her to not go off on Sam because she (Haleigh) is safe this week, so don't do anything.
Since we're in for a week of boring feeds, I'll probably drop down to 1 post per day. When the week is already set in stone by Saturday night, we're in for nothing but days of tanning, sleeping, and watching HG's eat while talking non-game (like they've done for 3 weeks already).
Enjoy the rest of your Saturday night, guys!!
Stay tuned...
This s season went south fast. It should get better soon. But meanwhile zzzzzzzz
Oh yes, it will get better!! Can't wait.
Jamie, thank you so much for your blogging! You're the best.
Yes I agree big brother is so boring right now. Everyone knows the moves that will be made. I cant wait till the backstabbing begins. Hopefully they get JC out soon. He really is annoying
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