Winner of the HOH is:
This week, we can expect Angela to nominate Sam/JC with Sam being the target. (She confirmed this would be the noms at 11:30pm BBT to Tyler/Kaycee).
JC pretty much knows he's going up against Sam, so there won't be any shocker there. In fact, he talked to Tyler about that last night.
11:50pm BBT:
Tyler said he's sorry for getting Brett out in the Double Eviction but he had to do it. JC said he suspects he'll be nom'ed with Sam and tells Tyler that if he (Tyler) wins the veto, to take him down and Kaycee will go up as the replacement nom.
JC said if he (JC) wins the veto and pulls himself down, then Tyler might go up as the renom and that the others could vote Tyler out if they wanna make a big move this week.
Tyler: "That's not gonna happen. Not gonna happen." (*and he's right, it won't.)
Tyler: "I'm sorry, I know you're pissed but I'm sorry...I had to do this behind your back."
JC: "I was never working with Brett. At all. Don't give me that face, what the f*ck!"
Tyler: "Dude, he was telling me everything you were saying to him, and you were telling me everything he was saying to you..same arguments, same things..since 2 weeks ago." (*lol!)
JC is denying how close him/Brett were, as Tyler knows he's full of sh*t but he's keeping calm and being level headed during this convo.
Later on in the night, JC told Tyler that he is pretty hurt and felt like crying because Tyler put him up.
..and then Tyler (who won HOH during the Double Eviction) recieved his HOH basket at 12:55am BBT.
Today will be the Nomination Ceremony plus special musical guest Bebe Rexha (*no clue who that is lol) will be playing for the HG's sometime today, so expect the feeds to be down for awhile between both events happening today.
I'll be back later on with the Nomination Ceremony Spoiler post. Until then, go out and enjoy your Friday!! :D
PS I just added a new poll to the right-side of the blog, so check that out if you have a minute!
Stay tuned...
I know bebe reexha, she did a song with Florida Georgia line that was huge this summer it was played in country and pop stations!
goodness, i dont even know who Florida Georgia is haha i never listen to radio, though.
ugh - I am not an Angela fan - I agree with Rockstar that she is probably a mean girl. It's been some decent gameplay but I don't really love anyone left. I suppose if Tyler gets to the end, he will win.
As long as JC don't win I am good. I think Tyler probably should win he has game. Angela too is a cold queen of this game.
Not if he's sitting next to KC
Ugh. Most boring season ever! Every week is so predictable ������. And Tyler and Angela are so unlike able who even wants either of them to win ��
I’m pulling for Sam to turn on some game as soon as necessary and win out. She’s been the oddest duck and pulled shade from no one.
Need to get rid of J.C. 1st.....Tyler needs to realize he can't beat Jaycee....could beat Angela (due to her being hated) and maybe Sam. But u think BB wants to get rid of Sam on a non-live show seeing how she seems to be unstable!
So, I’m curious as to why with the popularity of BB there isn’t a, “Jury House” show every week aside and separate from the main show. It seems the fan base would support it and welcome the insight into this otherwise blind part of the game.
Not if Kaycee is next to him
Hurricane Florence came by to pay us a visit (Myrtle Beach, S.C.) and the power has been off and I've been unable to read the updates til now...... L6 has dominated for the last 5 weeks and in turn it's been boring and predictable. Hope they shake things up for us with the last couple of weeks that's left. What if JC wins Veto and Angela puts Tyler up and they vote him out??? YEZZZZ!!! Well, a girl can dream........ #BB20rules #TeamKaycee
Yea I haven't heard renom plans yet, they're probably waiting on Veto results first before crossing that bridge. Stay safe down there!!!
In my opinion, this has bee great season. Sure there are slow or predictable parts but there has been some good game play (and some dumb play too). Agree with Unknown about separate jury house show. Could try it out. Can't imagine not having Big Brother when its time to go back to school. Helps me make it through the first stressful weeks of rangling kindergartners!
The only person Tyler wins against is Sam. Maybe Angela, simply from jury hate. But, Angela has performed better than Tyler. No one will be able to be KC and JC needed to be gone a long time ago. He just sits around, stirs up trouble and throws comps. I think he truly believed he was pulling all the strings in the game until Tyler showed him he wasn’t. That’s why he wants Tyler out so badly. Tyler has 2 big downfalls - 1) Angela and 2) he hasn’t really owned any part of his game this summer other than with his alliance, which will not make up the majority of the jury.
I have only heard of 1 song that Bebe sang.. but they all seemed to know her so that was a great concert for them. I think Angela is cold because of her upbringing. I have been a fan of hers and tylers since the beginning. After listening to the conversation outside with her and tyler you have to understand her a bit more. She probably seems bitchy because of her "walls" she is probably a loyal person if she has loyalty to her. I Love Kaycee too! finally a guy, tyler, picked the girls over a "bro" - I can't wait to see Sam get booted just her watch her go off.. yikes
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