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Saturday, August 4, 2018

Veto Comp Players Picked + Winner (Spoiler)

Good afternoon, BB addicts! The Veto Comp players were picked at 9:48am BBT this morning and the players are:

Veto Comp Players

Angela (HOH)/Tyler (Nom)/Rockstar (Nom)/Brett/Scottie/Kaycee 
(Kaycee was picked by Hacker Hayleigh)

I'm not surprised that Kacyee was picked by Hayleigh because of her conversation with Rockstar/Bayleigh last night (that I covered in the Overnighter). I figured she'd pick someone from Tyler's side to throw him/them off. 

Tyler has some great odds here, so unless Rockstar or Scottie get the Veto, he'll be fine. Even though Scottie did say he'd take Tyler down if he won veto, I don't trust that he'd actually do it so I won't bet on that happening, although it's possible.

As soon as the feeds come back from after the HG's have their Veto Comp, I'll post the spoiler below!!

The Winner of the Veto is:


So that means Tyler is safe this week & looks like the plan to backdoor Bayleigh is on. Turn on the feeds for all the juicy aftermath! I'll see yall back here in the morning!

Stay tuned...
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MirrG said...

Tyler did use his veto on Scottie though. It'd be pretty crappy of him not to. Game wise it'd also be a stupid move, but I like Tyler and want him to stay lol

Unknown said...

I am done with the show if Tyler is gone. He is the only reason I'm watching. I really like how he is playing the game (lying, manipulating, etc.) without being mean or ugly. I had a hard time watching Josh and Paul and how awful they were to others in the house.

Unknown said...

Pulling for Tyler. Can Angela put up haleigh? That would be hilarious.

Pablos puppy said...

The shows producers will not allow the pretty boy to go home, sam and tyler in the end,,,,its show biz and ratings folks.

MonicaW said...

Come on Tyler!! You can do this!

Unknown said...

That would be! And so season 20!

Unknown said...

Go home Tyler

Becky N said...

Yes! From what I understand, she is not safe. She can only replace someone. That'd be AWESOME I'd Haleigh is the renom!

Unknown said...

Tyler's odd should be good since RS is useless

Jax said...

Angie got the veto so she'll probably take Tyler down. I'd laugh my ass off if "queen" went home this week.

Leroy Janecek said...

Yay Angela and Tyler!! If they find out it was Haleigh who did this she’s history!

Matt said...

Jamie.....question...I never saw this on the feeds or anything....was it discussed to put up Tyler if their side won the hackers comp? I thought bayleigh thought tyler was with them so why would haliegh put up a "ally"?

DeniseG said...

So glad Angela won-I was holding my breath! Go Tyler!

UnionGrl said...

This is so cool. We are off and running again. I'm voting for a Bayleigh re-non just cause I'd enjoy watching her antics being on the block. It would be a good game move, as would Fez or Scotty. Take out some players and not the sideline crowd.

Jamie said...

i think she put up tyler to hide that shes the hacker. reverse psychology type of thing.

Mergatroid#1 said...

I'm with you. And take JC along.

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