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Friday, August 24, 2018

Friday: Afternoon Post + Nominations

Hey BB addicts! As I type this, the Nomination Ceremony is underway. I figured I'd type out the afternoon post while the feeds are down and get all caught up. The noms should still be Fessy/Haleigh, but I'll wait on confirmation before making it official.

Nominated for Eviction:

At 11:44am BBT, Fessy talked to Angela in the HOH room as she was doing her hair for the day. 

Angela told Fessy she's thinking of putting Haleigh up as a pawn. When Fessy asked what would happen if she was taken off the block with the veto, Angela just said she'd cross that bridge when she comes to it. (She's not telling him that she's putting him/Haleigh on the block together). They start talking about a Battle Back comp. Angela hopes there isn't one (*there is), as Fessy said maybe it'd be a puzzle comp. 

At 2:43pm BBT, the feeds came back on and we saw that BB gave them their smaller table.
3:20pm BBT:
Tyler tells JC that Fessy was pitching to Angela to put JC/Sam on the block. 

JC wants Sam/Haleigh on the block this week and thinks he could even get Fessy to vote Haleigh out. 

That's pretty much it for the Afternoon Post. There was bits and pieces of stuff that I didn't cover, but I'll list here: Tyler crawled into bed with Angela this morning (he's a Have Not so he can't sleep up there), Angela plans on saying "Too little, too late" about the deal Fessy/Haleigh wanted with Tyler/Angela, Haleigh said that if she's next to Sam on the block then she's going Fessy disagreed. (*lol)

While the initial noms are going to be Fessy/Haleigh, the renom would be Sam as a pawn to ensure either Fess/Hal go to jury. 

I'll update this post with the official noms and then I'll be back tomorrow morning with The Overnighter! :)

Stay tuned...
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Will said...

Would be AWESOME if Fessy got evicted and Scottie won battle back. So now Scottie is in HOH house with Haleigh. I think Fessy would go insane.

UnionGrl said...


shhhhhh... said...

Omg...that would be awesome!!

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