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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Weds: The Overnighter

Good morning and happy Wednesday to y'all! We are just one day away from this never-ending week of "who will go?", and I couldn't be happier. It seems like when I wake up and go through the overnight happenings, it's the same conversations (minus a few), over and over and o--well, you get the idea.

Before I get to the Overnighter, I wanted to let y'all know that I use BB Viewer for my Flashback Feeds, so the times may be off vs CBS's flashback feeds. So if you can't find the exact time, just fish around that timestamp.

In what surely will end up on TMZ a some point, JC/Bayleigh had a controversial conversation (and eventually turned into a heated argument) last night. This probably won't be shown at all on the shows, so you'll need the feeds and flashback to it at 12:38am BBT on Cams 3 & 4.

Socttie/Fessie/Bay/JC were talking about each other heights...

Bay: "(JC's) not even 5 feet."
JC: "I'm 5 (ft)."
Bay: "You're 5 ft exactly?
JC nods.
Bay: "I thought in order to be considered short, you had to be 4'11 or smaller."
JC: "You mean to be considered dwarf?"
Bay: "No, a dwarf."
JC: "What do you mean short?"
Bay: "Like a little person. You wouldn't be considered a little person?"
JC: "Thats what I'm trying to ask you, a dwarf?"
Bay: "I don't know what dwarf even means."
JC said its a "genetic condition".

Bay: "Got it. So you're not a dwarf?"
JC: "No, I'm just a short guy. I even went to a doctor to tell me.."
Bay: "Ok, let me ask you this, is there a difference between a midget and a dwarf?
JC: "Midget is, like, saying like, gay and fa**ot, or...
Bay: "So midget is just a name for.."
JC: "..or like, n***** and black..
Bay: "You're not allowed to say that, don't say that again."
JC: "What?"
Bay: "That was a like, outta control. don't do that again."
JC: "Really? I think if I'm trying to explain something, it doesn't..."
Bay: "No, you can't do that."

The feeds then go down and don't return until 1:27am BBT. When he feeds came back on, you could hear JC/Bayleigh still in the background talking loudly. Oh boy.

I'm running a little late for work so I gotta get my butt outta here, but there wasn't anything game changing last night. Lots of "If I/we win HOH, we should.." convos that I've already heard and posted about before. There are 2 other things worth mentioning however (1) JC thinks he can get Tyler to be his puppet once Kaitlyn is gone (*snort-laugh*) and (2) Sam was crying in the kitchen and then while alone laying down on the bathroom couch at 3:55am BBT (people on Twitter think she's sad because of missing home from her earlier talks of "back home" stories).

I'll be back later for the Afternoon Post as usual. Until then, enjoy the live feeds!

Stay tuned...
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Carlos said...

Wait what Bay said to JC was offensive and her ignorance is not an excuse. JC accurately corrected her in his explanation. He can use the words he chose (yes even the n-word), to explain to her dumb arse. As a person of color (East Indian/Black/white), I don't get why its ok for some (like Bailey) to say the n-word and others cannot. Unbelievable.

six. said...


Maliejandra said...

Midget isn’t a derogatory term. There IS a difference between a midget (small but proportional) and a dwarf (small with oversized head and hands). Why can’t people discuss these things without getting offended?

Texans11 said...

Okay sorry, but Bay knows very well what dwarf means. She was trying to throw settle jabs.. And for JC using the N-word, he was correctly showing how both dwarf and the N-word are offensive..

Unknown said...

I mostly agree with you, ME J. My first thought was that when she said "midget" that is a no-no. It's a derogatory slang word for dwarf or little person. Being ignorant is not an excuse, but it is a reason. JC was explaining how the word "midget" is comparable to the N-word. Perhaps he should have just said "N-word" instead of n*****. But I prefer to excuse him this time because he was using it as an example in his explanation. This whole thing should not have been blown up into a "thing". Totally unnecessary. It was a conversation that turned into a misunderstanding, or miscommunication. Bayleigh took it to the next level.

Unknown said...

Maliejandra you are totally wrong. Do your homework!

Mama B said...

According to some friends of mine who are little people, saying M****t is the same as the N word to them. And he wasn't calling anyone the N word, he was giving her an example. Geesh.

Me said...

Stop it with why can black ppl say it an no one else can. That argument is so weak, and I don’t care what race you consider yourself. Meeting ignorance with ignorance is asinine. I would never say the f-word in its entirety period. I can say f-word and people know. JC could have said the same.

Jax said...

The meaning is in the context. He was making a comparison to the n-word, not throwing it at someone as a slur. He probably shouldn't have said the full word, but he meant no malice.

Dianne said...

Re the N word debate, it's so tiresome. I don't like the word and never use it. NOR do I like to hear it from anyone, but I also recognize that it is not my place to dictate usage of the word within the black community. As far as the word "midget" goes, I had no idea it was offensive, to me it was a way to differentiate between a person who is small vs a person who has the genetic condition dwarfism. Calling Bay names because she didn't know is offensive, many people on Twitter, like me,also did not know. JC pointed out that the word is offensive so I won't use that word and will educate others if the opportunity comes up. Meanwhile, I just want to clarify, is the term "little person" okay? Is the word "dwarf" okay? I want to be educated, not trying to be a smart alec.

Dianne said...

Re the N word debate,I don't like the word and never use it. NOR do I like to hear it from anyone, but I also recognize that it is not my place to dictate usage of the word within the black community. As far as the word "midget" goes, I had no idea it was offensive, to me it was a way to differentiate between a person who is small vs a person who has the genetic condition dwarfism. Calling Bayleigh names because she didn't know is offensive, many people on Twitter, like me,also did not know. JC pointed out that the word is offensive so I won't use that word and will educate others if the opportunity comes up. Meanwhile, I just want to clarify, is the term "little person" okay? Is the word "dwarf" okay? I want to be educated, not trying to be a smart alec.

Anonymous said...

It’s not ok for anyone not African American to use the n-word at any point. Reason: this words has decades of degradation and oppression going back 2-3 generations behind it that you wouldn’t even begin to grasp.

Me said...

A non-black person saying n***** to a black persons - no matter the context - is ugly and micro-aggressive af. You can ALWAYS say “n-word” and people will get the point. JC could have stopped with his first example - no reason to use another - particularly this one. I believe he knew what he was doing. Bay reacted, which is totally her right and appropriate. People that don’t understand, use google. Plenty of think pieces about why that slur is terrible and should not be used.

Anonymous said...

You hit this right on the nose because I too did not know these were considered offensive to them. HOWEVER J.C KNEW it was offensive to her because he used it as an example. he could've easily said N-word and been fine. But he wanted to use the term. It's crazy to me how many people are bashing bay for being the only black person in the house and therefore the ONLY person who will say anything to him. If JC was in the "Real world" and used the word even for an example then what happened with Bay would be his dream. i just wish People would stop speaking and having very wrong offensive comments about something that literally has NOTHING to do with them.
Those first few comments almost made stop reading this blog because I cant stand for this type of stuff AT ALL

Anonymous said...

As a person with dwarfism, midget is a very offensive word. But a lot of people just have never been taught that. It's all about education and being open to learning things. The term "Little person" and "dwarf" is okay. But we also would rather to just be called by our names, like everyone else instead of a label.
Love this blog and BB. Thanks for all your work Jaime

Unknown said...

AGREED! That word should be against the law to all!

Nope. said...

Ugh... the first few comments on this post are quite ridiculous. People have to understand that non-black people should NEVER drop the N-word under any circumstances!!!!! And on top of that, black people still have every right to say it. Just because you are mildly inconvenienced by having to censor yourself doesn’t mean no one else not like you should ever say it. The fact that some of you don’t understand that is absolutely astounding.

Bayleigh had every right to be upset and JC is absolute garbage for saying that. I don’t care if it was an example. Wrong is wrong. He can correct her language without having to use that word as being someone outside of the community. I can’t STAND when people don’t have a firm understanding of how this works.

Unknown said...

I am African American and the people on here saying that white people shouldn’t say the n word are right, but African Americans using that word are wrong too. No one should say the word period! Regardless of the color of your skin. I am disgraced by the people that try and justify otherwise.

Unknown said...

He could have abbreviated the N-word, instead of saying the full word. Saying the N-word and being called a midget, is comparing apples to aircraft. Sorry. Bayleigh was not wrong. She is the only black person in the house, and sadly too many people in the BB house tend to say racist things as it relates to black people specifically. This needs to stop. wtf!

Anonymous said...

It’s not about that. And I’m sure she does know he didn’t mean it in malice, but he (you, anyone) still can’t say it.

Steph said...

No they prefer LP or little person. They do not like dwarf , just as offensive as midget

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