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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Weds: The Overnighter

Happy 4th of July, y'all!! :D

Today's Overnighter is another short one due to the house being pretty calm throughout the night. There was a little bit of conversations that should be mentioned so I'll mention those below.

"But first..."

TMZ ran a story about Rachel and Angela saying insensitive remarks on the feeds the other day.

(click the pic to ready the article on TMZ.)

Well it appears both girls were talked to by Executive Producer of BB, Allison Grodner, per Swaggy asking what AG talked to them about. The camera immediately switched rooms. Rachel also told Kaycee at 9:45pm BBT (on BBAD) that herself/Angela were talked to by AG but said they 'can't talk 
about it'.

At 10:01pm BBT on BBAD (not on feeds), Rachel was crying to Kaycee about the talk she had with AG.

In case you didn't already know, former BB17 houseguest Jackie is best friends with Rachel and this response to her friend's remarks on the feeds:

CBS also made a public statement on the matter. Here it is:

Moving on...

12:19am BBT:
'The Bros' (Winston/Brett) now want Sam to be evicted. They don't want Scottie to go against them (and he would if they kept Sam), plus Sam is "mentally weak" in their eyes and would rather have Steve around, not to mention that they could Steve's vote if either of them (Winston/Brett) are up on the block.

Brett also mentioned how Sam said if she was HOH, she wouldn't allow anyone in her HOH room.

And that's it for this Overnighter! At this point, it looks like Sam's gonna have to use her Bonus Life power to save herself this week. Will that change? Who knows. This house is so flippy-floppy, that anything can happen. lol Tonight is an all new BB20 episode at 9pm ET/8pm C, so if you're home then make sure you tune in. Enjoy the live feeds today and have a safe and Happy 4th of July!!!

PS Please remember to keep your doggies inside as fireworks are anxiety inducting in dogs and can set off their fight-or-flight response. If you keep them indoors, remember to keep a TV or radio on help drown out the noise and loud booms. :)

Stay tuned...
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Andy Tatnall said...

America did its part for you, Sam. Now, if you really want to stay in this game, you need to stop shooting yourself in the foot with your comments to the other HGs.

Jeff - Louisville, KY said...

Hard to feel sorry for the first person to be evicted. Everyone has had two weeks to experience the house. That’s a lot more than previous seasons.

Razldazlrr said...

Wow - that's amazing to me that those chickies would talk like that - on cameras - in this day and age. I really have not like ego Bayleigh but I like those two chickies even less.

Dianne said...

So far the HG I like the best is Tyler, but Fessy is growing on me. I just wish he'd leave the showmance alone.

Steph said...

Anyone ever had that group of friends in high school who thought they were better than everyone and they ran the school by intimidation. That’s Rachel, Angela, Winston, Brett. So tired of the petty crap and making fun of everything everyone does. Then those two open their mouth and spew their racial stuff and think they are so great. It’s high time B.B. get some people who are more middle aged or mature like they used to, more diverse age group. No more high school crap

Razldazlrr said...

Agree Stephanie - they are the mean high school "think they are the coolest" kids

Unknown said...

Every year I say 'This is going to be the best season yet'......but.... I really think this season is going to be the bestest!!!! They are popping off already and it's barely been a hot minute. Rach and Ang need to stop with the 'we're so much better than the others' attitude....JC needs to keep his hands to himself.....Swag C needs to slow his role, Winston needs to jump off of that high horse he's been on since day 1, RockStar needs to get them boobs in line, Brett needs some humble pie, Kail, Hail and Bail need to stop whining and Tyler, Sam, Kaycee and Scottie are.......................A. MAZE. ING. Carry on gang!!! Ya'll are a mess and I'm here for it!!!! :)

Jamie said...

hahaha best comment of the season so far, Unknown! Love it!! And yes, I sooo agree, this season is what us BB fans have been thir-sty for the past 4 years now. Bring it on! :D

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