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Monday, July 30, 2018

Veto Ceremony Results/Afternoon Post

Good evening, BB fans! Today has been an extremely slow day on the feeds and inside the Big Brother 20 house. The HG's had their Veto Ceremony earlier today and...

Tyler did NOT use the Veto 

This isn't a surprise, as we know he wasn't planning on using it (see my earlier post). This morning, Rachel told Tyler that Bayleigh said she'd make Scottie the replacement if Tyler used the veto but Tyler wasn't buying it. Rachel got upset because she only agreed to be a pawn to get Scottie out. (*Pawns go home, baby.) This was at 10:50am BBT.

When the feeds came back post-veto ceremony, Tyler/Bay had a talk and Bay express her trust in Tyler now for doing what she wanted: keeping the noms the same. Speaking of Bayleigh, around 12:30pm BBT, Bayleigh told Rachel all the details of her special BB App Store power (*wow.) She had told Rachel about it before, but not in such detail like she did today.

Fast-forward to 1:54pm BBT, and Tyler is telling Kaycee about Bayleigh's power. (*lol this is hilarious.) The only thing is, he thinks next week is the last week she can use it. During this convo, Tyler/Kaycee agree to take Sam the whole way to the end.
Tyler said that if they get Bayleigh on the block, then she'd be forced to use her power and flush it out, but they also risk 'one of them' going up on the block.

Around 2:30pm BBT, the HG's are playing the cornhole game that Sam crafted up.

At 2:51pm BBT, JC is learning how to swim in the pool.

**And that's it for the Veto Ceremony/Afternoon post! Right now, I believe that Rachel will go. JC told both Rachel/Tyler that they have his vote but I think he might actually be telling the truth to Tyler. Then again, anything is possible when it comes to JC.

Meanwhile, Tyler told Angela last night (forgot to mention this) that "Bayleigh has to go", and with Tyler thinking her power is only good for one more week, I expect this plan to be executed sooner rather than later.

Have a great night, guys & dolls!!

Stay tuned...
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