Watch BB20!

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Sunday Night's Episode

Tonight at 8pm ET/7pm Central, we will get our 3rd episode of the Big Brother 20 season yayy!! I'm very excited and looking forward to the Diary Room sessions to see where everyone's head is at. It's so refreshing to finally have an all-new cast that is actually playing the game, despite a few of them playing sloppy..hey, I'll take it! haha This cast give me so much hope for a great season, that us BB fans are truly overdue for.

If you haven't ever had the live feeds before, then here's a sneak preview of what it's have 4 cams and you can either do the QUAD cam (which is shown) or pick from Cams 1, 2, 3 or 4 to individually watch.

It's super easy to use and it's the price of a Starbucks drink these days for a whole month of entertainment..just $6!! The live endurance comps are also shown on the feeds (my fav, as y'all know!)

Okie dokie, so go grab your snackies and enjoy tonight's new Big Brother 20 episode!! :D

Stay tuned...
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1 comment:

Shoba said...

I kinda prefer robot Sam to person Sam.. I hate whiners. JC ALL THE WAY!

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