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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Thursday: Veto Winner Spoiler

Good morning, BB addicts!! Last night, the feeds came back on at 9pm BBT as expected, and...

Winner of the Veto is:

So Kaycee is now in Final 3 with JC and last night at 12:07am BBT, Kaycee told Tyler...

Kaycee: "Welcome to Final 3."
Tyler: "We're about to have $550k between the both of us."

So that pretty much sums it all up.

Tonight we will see Angela get evicted and then the Final 3 (JC/Tyler/Kaycee) will most likely start to battle it out in Part 1 of the Final HOH (Endurance) on the feeds. (I have not yet received confirmation on this but it happens every season.)

Also, there's a new poll on the right-side of the blog on who you want to win AFP, so make sure to check that out. See y'all back here tonight at 9pm ET!!

Stay tuned...
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Razldazlrr said...

They are fools not to take Angela to final 3, she would definitely not have the votes to win. I'm thinking that Kaycee will win if she goes to the end, she is a comp beast

Jon said...

This is worked out for Tyler. Now he doesn't have to worry about not choosing Angela. If he had won veto and voted Angela out, I'm sure it would have caused hard feelings for their relationship outside the house (assuming it continues).

BKReed said...

Isn't that like her 5th or 6th straight VETO wins? She's a beast! If it's Kaycee and Tyler in final 2, she takes home the win... big time.

briiilowe said...

I love L6 and was rooting for them, but I'm not sure why they didn't think to throw the last HOH to Sam or JC. That would have given them a much better chance of all making it to final 3. Sam or JC would have never nominated Tyler. He could have played up the fact that he was on board with getting either Kaycee or Angela out. Which means Sam or JC would have nominated Angela/Kaycee MAYBE even each other if Tyler could convince them to do that. ALL of them would have played for veto which is always more of a physical competition, which they excel at. After that veto win, they could have taken Angela or Kaycee off forcing Sam or JC to put up each other. Last week would have been a wrap. HOH's on the other hand are usually a crapshoot if it's not endurance, anyone can win. They should have calculated the 2:1 odd's with Angela sitting out as a bigger risk then 3:1 playing in the final veto. Too bad :(

Missy said...

The dream of L6 going to f2 should have been a nightmare for Tyler. But then again Kaycee does not have the mental part of the game down enough to know to take Tyler out. Tyler won't win against Kaycee, she formed too many friendships, got no blood on her hands, and won the end comps once the number of competitive players dropped down. Tyler will have a harder time convincing the jury that he should win over her. JC is a wild card. I don't know who would vote or not vote for him as he really did play a very manipulative game and had a huge part in every eviction. Got to F3 without any safety app and staying clear of the block for weeks. I think Tyler held on to JC because he wasn't sure what deal he was going to keep and never considered JC winning. We are at the time in the season that we pretty much just want it over with, at least I di. Feeds have been a bore for too long and I just don't care much anymore.

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