Watch BB20!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Sunday: Final HOH Part 2 Spoiler

Happy Sunday Funday, y'all!! Last night just after 9pm BBT, the feeds came back from JC/Kaycee playing Part 2 of the Final HOH and...

Winner of Part 2 is:


This all but seals JC's fate in the game, since Kaycee and Tyler confirmed to each other post-part 2 comp that they're definitely still "final 2" together. On Wednesday, Finale Night, Tyler/Kaycee will battle it out in Part 3 (Mental Comp) on the air but like I said, it doesn't really matter as they'll be taking each other to F2 anyway. Both Tyler/Kaycee agree to wait "until the end" to break the news to JC that they've been a Final 2 deal since the beginning of BB20. As far as JC goes, he's pissed that he lost and said he didn't know it was going to be a physical/mental combination comp. (*It is every year, though.)

The question now is "Who will win BB20?" I think both Tyler and Kaycee have impressive BB resumes and it's anyone's game to win. It'll come down to (1) is the jury bitter or (2) who do the jurors think is more deserving of the $500k.

Speaking of jury, Dr. Will did this years Roundtable with the jurors. We'll see that on Finale Night. There is a new episode tonight at 8pm ET and we can expect to see Jeff enter the house, the Final 3 of JC/Kaycee/Tyler doing the "Remember when.." segment, followed by the F3 battling it out in Part 1 of the Final HOH (that Tyler won).

Now it's a waiting game until finale night, so go out and enjoy the next few days and meet me back here with your snackies on Wednesday at 9:30pm ET for the finale!!! (*The live feeds will be ending early Wednesday morning, so if you're a feedster, tune in to watch them say goodbye.)

Stay tuned...
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R.Cazares said...

Yay, snackies!! Dr Will and the round table at jury house is always one of my very favorite events every year. Can't wait!!

Razldazlrr said...

wow - did you see this? ‘Big Brother’ Stars Jessica Graf And Cody Nickson Expecting First Child
I was really wrong about them as a couple when watching BB - I thought she was going to dump him as soon as they left the house. ha ha

UnionGrl said...

Let's hope he can knock some sense into the jurors and prevent petty spite voting. Every time I see Bayleigh I just want to slap her for being such a b*tch. The point to the game was to outplay your fellow houseguest - duh - not to expect them to play for your reward. Tyler and Kaycee played the best game and both deserve to be in final two.

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