Winner of the Veto is:
Wow!! Kaycee is a comp beast! Sounds like they had to run a maze. Sam said she would have never been able to do it if she didn't quit smoking a few weeks ago. Tyler was apparently really close to winning, too. Sam knows that she's going to be evicted (or at least suspects it), as she told the camera she's a goner and it's heart breaking, but that she tried to win it.
JC clearly is upset because not only is he vulnerable to be evicted now (*he won't be, though), but his plan to get Kaycee out this week is now squashed (*not that Tyler would ever let that happen anyway).
Tyler went up to the HOH room where Angela was showering...
Tyler: "10 in a row! Just thought I'd remind you."
Kaycee will keep the noms the same, of course, and Sam will be evicted this week. That's pretty much it at this point. This will leave us with Tyler/Angela/Kaycee/JC being our Final 4 of this BB season. If there's any game talk and/or switch in plans for Tuesday's eviction (which will be taped), I'll be sure to post it!
What do you guys think of Kaycee winning all these comps? Think Tyler should rethink having Kaycee as his F2 or is it too late? Will Tyler even have the choice to make his decision? lol Let me know what you think in the comment section below!
Stay tuned...
Hmm...Tyler's dilemma. Probably best to sit next to JC because I think jurors will vote for Kaycee if he sits next to her. They could vote for JC out of spite, voting as a block. They wouldn't vote for Angela. Tyler sitting next to Angela? They'd give it to Tyler. Angela should sit next to JC because she'd lose to Kaycee or Tyler. will be exciting end to great season!
If Tyler wants to win he needs to take Angela. The jury is going to be bitter and they hate Angela the most. Taking Kaycee would be a huge mistake. I want to believe he would have a chance of winning against JC but, like I said before, I think the jury will be bitter and they may just give it to JC. I think what may save Tyler if it's him and JC is that JC won't be able to argue that he's been behind so many blind sides and evictions when he's been saying he has no idea in his goodbye messages.
If only JC could convince Kaycee to use the veto on him and force Angela to put up Tyler and they team up and vote him out!!! I’m over the A and T love fest!!!
Agree! Been over it..every since it began 🤨
I love the TAngela romance. They have kept is classy and would love to see Tyler take Angela (He would win) or Angela take Tyler. (He would still win. )
If Kaycee goes she wins against any of them. Kaycee is a sweetheart and comp beast and to see her win would be great.
Best season in a long, long time.
Loved this group and loved how the season has transpired.
I have also enjoyed and appreciated your blog!
Tyler will lose to Kayee. He should send Kayee to jury as quit as possible.
Defiantly Tyler and angela need to be final 2 they both played better games
It's going to be a personal and emotional vote. I think sitting beside Angela gives anyone beside her the best chance at winning only because the majority of jury is the HIV and they all hate Angela. Angela didn't try to socialize with that side or talk game with them.
I do believe Tyler will lose to KC. However, I hope (if it is his choice to make - which I doubt it will be) he is a stand up person and takes KC.
Anyone sitting next to Angela wins. Anyone sitting next to KC loses I think. I think Tyler is making the wrong move.
Tyler and Angela handed the game to Kaycee when they turned on Brett and took him out. This game is over. Kaycee has won.
I don't know if it's going to be Tyler's pick, in the end. He will be torn between his loyalty to the deal he made with Kaycee and his feelings for Angela (he would HAVE to tell her about the deal with Kaycee to get away with it). If he prefers to let Kaycee win (and pick him) to avoid making that choice, then I suspect Kaycee wins no matter who she takes (and she would take Tyler). It's hard for me to see a path where he wins the HOH and takes Angela (seems like most people think that's his only winning path). I don't think either Angela or JC would win against anyone else, and I don't see a scenario where those two make it to the end. BUT - just out of curiosity, if it ended up JC vs. Angela at the end, how do you think the jury would vote? Who do you think will get AFP?
I'm not a fan of Angela either and I think she is probably the easiest to beat in the end. I always thought Kaycee was holding back and could win more comps, doesn't she play women's football for a living? I'm thinking Kaycee would win if it's her in the finals. JC is awful - let's hope he doesn't get there, I doubt he could win.
I believe Kaycee would win against either Tyler or Angela. I think Brett is pretty bitter (especially with Tyler) so he may spill the beans to the HIV making Tyler very uncomfortable answering all the negative questions by the Jury.
I want JC gone! He hasn’t deserved to be in the game for awhile now. Why have they not gotten rid of him! Tyler needs to keep Sam in the game, he can win against her, she’s done nothing.
If he takes Kaycee he’s gonna lose. He should take Angela because no one likes her or JC because he hasn’t won anything. I think taking Angela would be his best bet
Omg something exciting or shocking needs to happen. Every week with boring Angela and Tyler 🤦♀️
So tired of seeing the same damn people winning everything in this house all season and everything going exactly the way they wanted. And Sam was right about Angela and shouldn’t have apologized for it.
Its about time we had a final three and/or final two who actually worked hard and won comps. So sick of floaters making it to the end and even winning.. This season has rocked and I’m thrilled. I want to see Tyler, Kaycee and Angela in the final three. They deserve it!
Am I the only one who thinks Tyler will throw the final hoh if it comes down to tyler/angela/kaycee because he knows they will both take him and he wont have to pick and show his cards? Maybe I'm crazy, but I think hes gotten too confident. If hes serious about his f2 with kaycee, he's gonna fluff a lot of feathers with angela if he wins and picks her.
I never want to hear 'Let's Go' again! So annoying.
I wouldn't mind not hearing 'Let's Go!' anymore. So annoying!
Really hoping Tyler/Angela don't get to choose who is in the final 2. Really liking Kaycee's gameplay all season, and she is proving to be a comp beast!
If Angela's in a position to pick, she'll pick Tyler. Tyler will win.
If Kaycee's in a position to pick, she'll pick Tyler. Kaycee will win.
If Tyler's in a position to pick, he'll pick Angela. Tyler will win.
If JC's in a position to pick (gawd forbid), he'll pick Tyler. Tyler will win.
If Tyler takes Kaycee to final 2 he will not win. He should take Angela. Of course he has to get there first. And Kaycee has been a beast. I dont think it would matter who she took to the end. If these dummies vote on who played the best, she will win hands down.
Well I would want to be up against Angela in the final two. The jury doesn't like her that is for sure. Just write the check to Tyler. Well ok they are in a showmance so yeah like Angela will end up with half. :-)
I hope Kaycee wins the final HOH and gets to decide who to take.
I think JC might get AFP?
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