Watch BB20!

Monday, September 17, 2018

Monday: Veto Ceremony + Feeds Outage

Happy Monday, y'all!! We have just over a week of BB20 left to go, which means it's time for another feeds outage as the BB schedule is thrown out of whack for the Fast Forward portion of the season.

"But first..."

Today was the Veto Ceremony and...

Kaycee did NOT use the Veto

Like every other week this season, things went as planned and Kaycee did not use the veto. This leaves Sam/JC up on the block, with Sam for sure going tomorrow night (special Tuesday eviction). The eviction will be taped and be shown on Wednesday night's BB episode. Then on Thursday, we have our normal live eviction episode scheduled.

There will be a feeds outage starting sometime tomorrow (Tues) and until after Wednesday night's BB taped eviction episode. So go take the next couple of days off and meet me back here Wednesday night as I recap the special eviction episode.

As of now, it looks like JC will be the next target after Sam leaves tomorrow (with the F3 being Tyler/Kaycee/Angela)...unless JC happens to win HOH. That's the only way the game will get a bit interesting.

In other news, there's a rumor from PageSix that claims a "source" told them that Julie Chen will be resigning from her talk show "The Talk".

This is leaving BB fans wondering if Julie will also resign from Big Brother. (*My guess is yes, but no official word as of yet.) I'll be sure to let y'all know as soon as I know anything. Also, BB has not yet been renewed for another season.

Stay tuned...
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Jack G. said...

Confirmed by others sources that Julie is leaving the "Talk" as of Tuesday with a pretaped message.

My thoughts and intuition is that Julie Chen is done with any facet of CBS since her husband resigned.

She is the face of Big Brother and I am hoping against hope that the show isn't done. There maybe other factors as the lower ratings than BB19 which may play a part in CBS' decision to cancel the show. j

I will look back with feelings of happier times sitting by my TV late night and doing crafts while BBAD was playing on Showtime. Memories of talking for hours with my spouse who also is the one who got me addicted to BB on season 6. I will miss my show for sure if they do cancel it.

Archie Sims said...

The show will be much better off without Julie Chen. She has no personality, and I'm sick of hearing the house guests suck up to her. "You look lovely tonight Julie." Get a host with some talent for showbiz.

Unknown said...

Kaycee? You have all the power. It would have been AMAZING if she had flipped the script and USED the power of veto. Forcing Tyler on the block would have been the best! On the other hand I am proud she has stayed loyal to WHO SHE IS and remained true to her promises. You go girl! Loving me some Kaycee.

Razldazlrr said...

I doubt they would cancel BB - it seems to fill a hole in the summer tv schedule, but what do I know?! ha. It can definitely go on without Julie Chen. She is better than she was in the beginning as host (remember Chenbot!) but I think there are people that could do it with greater house interaction - especially interviewing the evicted house members.

Cbrown said...

Off subject..what ever came of the claim that Bailey was pregnant.

Revis615 said...

This season just wasn't that interesting imo there were a few blindside's here or there but I predicted Tyler would be choosing who he'd sit next to finale night last few weeks were just a formality. Only way I get my mouth open moment is if JC wins hoh & he hasn't done that all season. Only thing I'm looking forward to seeing is jury house segments

Unknown said...

BB will be back; perhaps not with julie, perhaps not on CBS, but it WILL be back.

Unknown said...

This had probably already been addressed but I haven’t seen it, has Julie always signed off adding her husband last name to the end of hers or was Thursday night a first?

Jen said...

I really hope JC doesn’t win HOH or
veto. The veto holder holds just as much power as the HOH next eviction. They should’ve gotten him out a LONG time ago.

Anumol said...

I hear JC won the most important HOH

MirrG said...

Be prepared for your mouth to open.

Jax said...

I don't know why everyone is so absolutely positive that the show is done because Julie is leaving. She's a very small part of the show and only seen for 15-20 minutes each week. You could replace her tomorrow and the show wouldn't skip a beat. People don't watch BB to see Julie.

Steph said...

Big brother isn’t being cancelled and Julie plans to stay as host

Steph said...


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