Watch BB20!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

BB20: Thank You

BB Addicts Family:

Another year, another season has come and gone. I can't believe I've had the honor of being able to blog about Big Brother for 12 seasons now! Wow!! When I started blogging (BB9), I had no idea that I'd be able to do it every year and for over a decade at that. That decade came and went so fast, I still can't believe it's been that long. From all of this, I have met so many BB addicts, made some amazing friends along the way, even met some "fans" of mine (which is still beyond weird to me that I have "fans") and I witnessed the beginning of the BB Addicted Family starting to form and grow into a huge group over the years. We've all made friends along the way, shared our opinions, made each other laugh, learned from various HG's, and some have learned about themselves in the process. It's truly amazing how this blog is more than just that. It's a family. The BB Addicted Family.

I spent the past month or so thinking about if I can to come back for another season. I love blogging. I love BB. I love blogging about BB. The support (through your donations and feed signups) from you BB addicts is the only thing that kept me's the sole reason I was able to come back year after year. You guys & gals kept me here. Period. Nothing else. My life has changed drastically since a decade ago when I first started, and my time is very limited these days but I still tried my best to juggle my job, my marriage, 2 puppies, a new house, etc.

It's been really hard and often I'd find myself not having the energy to stay awake to blog...but I still did. So, after spending countless hours talking to myself and my husband about what I plan on doing in the future (he just found out an hour ago what I decided btw), I have decided this:

I will be back next season.

I will continue to do 2 posts a day (morning and night) like I did this summer, with Sunday's still being my "off" days (aka Sunday Fundays) as usual. I will dedicate as much time as I possibly can to the blog, just as I do every year. If there's a night or two I don't do an update, please forgive me as I most likely just fell asleep before I could crawl to my laptop that night from pure exhaustion. lol

I figure y'all are here supporting me, so I'll be here for y'all. If the support stops, then I'll bow-out gracefully and hang up my blogging hat.

I love you guys & gals and I am humbled by your ongoing support. From the bottom of humbled heart, thank you!! I'll see y'all Summer of 2019 for Big Brother Season 21!! ;)


(PS Feels weird to not sign off as "Jamie and Miss Bella" in my Thank You post like I do every year, but I'm sure she thanks y'all too from across the rainbow bridge. She was a BB fan, too.)

Stay tuned...
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Carrie T said...

Thanks Jamie! Glad you’ll be coming back. I do enjoy this blog so much.

Nancy M said...

Yaaayyy I'm so happy to hear you'll be back next year BB is not the same without you 💚 enjoy the holidays coming and see ya next year blessings🙏

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you'll be back next summer, I love Big Brother and I love your blog. Thank you Jamie

Grace said...

Jamie, thank YOU! I have only been reading your blog for four seasons (maybe 5, can’t remember) but I have never not enjoyed it... even the boring seasons lol!! Thank you so much for your diligence in keeping us updated so faithfully on this crazy show every summer!! Much love.

viewer said...

hi Jamie I'm actually stoked about your decision! Your summaries are the best for me out of all blogs, thanks to you and some youtube clips I can stay up to date with no access to feeds (Europe here). Thank you for all updates, see you next year :)

Unknown said...

Thank your Jamie! We all appreciate all the time you take to keep us in the loop. Always have the feeds and never watch them... to much to go through I suppose. Thanks for all the info!

Kimberly said...

I am so happy you will be coming back! I look forward to your blog everyday!
Best Wishes!

designdesign23 said...

Thank you for all that you do each year Jamie. So glad you are coming back next year. Let's hope for a season just as good as BB20! A new era of seasons with great players!

Unknown said...

Like everyone else said, I am SO excited you are going to come back again next year!!! BB wouldn't be the same without you. I've followed this blog for years and would be so lost if it wasn't here. Thank you for all that you do, Jamie!

SDfan said...

Thanks Jamie! You are the best!

Cutie pie said...

Glad You will BE BACK. . And again you got me in tears with that picture of BELLA. AGAIN MY HEART GOES OUT TO U FOR YOUR LOSS.

jcb said...

SO HAPPY you’ll be back next year! BB is my guilty pleasure and I’m so thankful for your comprehensive coverage!
Thankful I get to keep this bookmark for another year!

Unknown said...

Glad you are coming back. I’ve always loved the blog. This year was the first year with my new baby. Admittedly, most nights I read him the blog while putting him to sleep instead of a book. (He’s under a year old, he doesn’t know any better right?). But it was nice to have some interesting reading material every night instead of kids books. Thanks again. And I’ll catch you next summer!

Lisa said...

Thank you for all you do Jamie!! I've been with you for a long time and appreciate & love your blogs! You definitely help make BB even more fun to watch. Let's hope for another good season!

Unknown said...

I’ve been following your blog for years and I am so appreciative for your posts and insights. Thank you for your dedication and love for the show.

BBWatcher said...

Thanks Jamie. I’m glad to hear that you will be back for next season. I thoroughly enjoy your blog and your opinions on what is happening in the house. Have a good time off.

Dnhunter87 said...

Thanks a lot Jamie! Glad you’ll be back! See ya here next year!!!

Jamie said...

oh my goodness, thank you all for the amazingly kind words and for all your love!!!!! I am so grateful to have us all be a part of the addicted fam!! HUGSSS!!!

(sorry it took me a couple days to publish comments and write back, I was at a cabin in the middle of nowhere and the wifi was horrible haha)

Victoria Stairz said...

Thank you so much for another great summer, Jamie! I donated some bucks!!! I really feel like it is just a mere pittance for the great service you do for us! I am a teacher, so BB always starts when I have LOTS of free time to watch BB and BBAD. But then school starts (we're already in week 7!) and I can't watch as much. I actually just now watched the finale on my DVR! Only 3 days late! Lol. But your wonderful blog keeps me 100% up-to-date! Like other commenters have mentioned, my favorite part are your hilarious asides and comments. So funny! I also like that you keep it clean and classy (as classy as BB can be, lol) see ya next summer! :)

Jamie said...

lol @ as classy as BB can be....thank you for donating and supporting the blog!!! Did I add your name? I dont see it (as Victoria) in my paypal, I wanna make sure I get ya added to the donators list!!

Lisa said...

I’m not going to lie, I just shed a few tears from reading this blog! Thank you so much for this wonderful season and the seasons past. I always look forward to your insights into the players, and your wittiness is amazing! I signed up for the live feeds through your blog and of course will continue until there’s no more BB. You are a class act and the best!

jbartik said...

Thanks for all you do. Until next season, hope you enjoy a well deserved #Yatus!! ��

Nicole Chenault said...

Thank You Again for keeping us all informed on yet another season of BB - I can't imagine how exhausting it is when you have a full life outside of a computer to do this and you are an angel for blogging for us all. Have a great year and see you next summer! P.S. - I barfed when Swaggy proposed also, lol.

Jared said...

Thank you Jamie for another year of blogging and a great season of Big Brother. I was rooting for Tyler to win but am glad that Kacee got the win since they were both clearly the two best players. I’ll be looking forward to seeing your blog next summer. Thank you again!

Razldazlrr said...

I'm not sure I would watch BB without your blogs - they are often much better than the show itself! Great job this year! Yes, definitely a little sad ending without Miss Bella. Maybe you can include your new pooches next season - thanks for everything!

Christina said...

Thank you a million times over for sticking with us! I know, even with support, this is a huge job!! I am grateful for any blogging time you can afford. My summers would not be the same without you!! You set your schedule up however you need to, I’d rather have you a few times a week than nothing at all :) Thanks for another season and thank God it was a great one!!

Christina said...

Thank you a million times over for sticking with us! I know, even with support, this is a huge job!! I am grateful for any blogging time you can afford. My summers would not be the same without you!! You set your schedule up however you need to, I’d rather have you a few times a week than nothing at all :) Thanks for another season and thank God it was a great one!!

Jamie said...

MH they get approved! :)

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