Watch BB20!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Wednesday: BB Update

Good evening, BB addicts! This morning I posted on Twitter and the facebook group that I wasn't going to do an Overnighter because nothing happened overnight and sadly, this afternoon didn't change anything either. Even tonight's BB20 episode was full of slow-mo and filler stuff to just do the episode. The Veto Comp was different but I didn't like it. What did you guys think of it? Would you want to see that again on the show or no?

Since there's nothing to blog for the afternoon post, I figured I'd do some game talking of my own.

Since JC has been trying to get Tyler to gun after Kaycee/Angela lately and really pushing his agenda on Tyler, that has me wondering if Tyler will try to take a shot at JC as soon as he can. I've been saying (on Twitter) for the past month now that whichever of them (Tyler/JC) takes a successful shot at the other, will most likely win this season. Tyler has his alliance for votes right now, so I'd take a shot if I was him.

What do you guys think? What would you do if you were Tyler?

I'll be back tomorrow *afternoon* (no Overnighter again since the feeds are super boring at the moment) with an update post, even if it's to say there's nothing to update. Tomorrow is the live show (yayy!!) and we'll have the live eviction and then the Battle Back Comp, which means we'll have one of the jury members returning to the game tomorrow night. That will definitely shake things up. 

Kaycee warned Angela today that the DR was hinting at there being a Battle Back Comp coming up, to which Angela's response was not a happy one. She knows the jury hates her, so this could mean bad news for her game. 

Out of the 4 jurors, which HG do you want to see win the Battle Back Comp tomorrow night?

Stay tuned...
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RS said...

When do they start showing what’s going on in the jury house? Shouldn’t that have been shown already on one of the episodes?

Unknown said...

The veto comp footage felt like it was going on forever!! I was wondering if it was just me, but I guess they needed stuff to film.

Unknown said...

I may be the only one thinking this, but I think Fessy deserves a second chance at the game entirely.

Another season as a “vet”.

It appears as if he never watched the show before joining and has been caught completely off guard....but, he is just now starting to understand the game as a whole. He’s finally starting to think strategically (finally!!)

He has no chance this season, but I think he would do a hell of a lot better a second go around.

Unknown said...

Why will they start double evictions? Why bring more back. Is it not almost the end of the season.

Razldazlrr said...

I really hope Scottie comes back. I want to see the jury house too - always entertaining!

mgross_rn said...

I did not like last night’s episode, it was so full of filler! But I didn’t mind the comp at all. I had a little girl crush watching Kaycee in the comp!

Unknown said...

With the battle back the 3 are probably sequestered, next week I'd expect a jury house segment

romana118 said...

Just read a disturbing story over on the yahoo news feeds that said JC was caressing/ kissing Tyler while Tyler slept?!? There was also a soundbite of Tyler complaining about the unwanted touching to KC and saying that JC would not be welcome to sleep in the same bed again. Jamie, can you verify this alarming story? I know in the 1st few weeks of the game you posted about JC behaving very questionably with some of the female cast members but that seemed to die down. Has the touching Tyler in his sleep just begun? Or is it even true? Very alarming. If true, believe CBS is obligated to speak to JC about the behavior if not remove him from the house. Everyone deserves to be safe when they sleep! But I hope it isn't true.

Kelly said...

They haven't because of the battleback. They are all separate until after that and then they will be together in the jury house.

Atlanta said...

Jamie-Thank you for all you do! I love your insight.
I thought the veto comp was so boring. Not exciting at all! Did not care for last night’s episode period.

Leroy Janecek said...

I liked the veto comp!

Nancy M said...

I agree with you I totally disliked that comp it looked so nasty too especially catching those squids I felt bad for them

Nancy M said...

I agree with you I totally disliked that comp it looked so nasty too especially catching those squids I felt bad for them

Unknown said...

Maybe they are sequestered separately until after the battle back.

MirrG said...

If JC doesn't get kicked out of the house... did you see what he did to Tyler after Tyler fell asleep?

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed watching kaycee in the veto comp but otherwise it was just ok.

RS said...

In last night’s episode, they finally showed everything that’s happened in the jury house since Rockstar joined Bayleigh a couple of weeks ago. I thought they normally show it earlier but it was interesting anyway.

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