Tyler made his nominations this afternoon at 5:29pm BBT and...
Nominated for Eviction is:
So Tyler's noms went as planned. He's been obsessed with getting Haleigh out for weeks now but today he admitted that he really doesn't care which one goes. Meanwhile, JC's been pushing Tyler today to gun for Scottie this week.
I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter, though I don't expect much to happen until post-Veto Comp tomorrow. I'm hoping for a Scottie win to ensure Haleigh goes (it's kinda sad watching her go up every week) and force Tyler to put up either JC or Sam as the pawn. I'm so ready for a new weekly target other than Haleigh. Her game is one foot in the grave anyway, might as well put it in the ground and bury it at this point so that the game can finally start moving forward.
What do you guys think? Who do you hope to win the Veto tomorrow?
Stay tuned...
I wonder if Tyler will back door JC and push for his eviction
I would love to see the hacker come back but ONLY from the jury house. Just to change it up and force something or someone else to be on the block
I want Scottie to win veto and for JC to go up and go home so bad! Tyler HAS to see that JC is way worse for his game than Haleigh is. Now that Fessy is gone, Haleigh is literally just one person. He should be making friends with her instead of being so fixated on the fact that she put him on the block weeks ago.
I don't believe Haley is a threat but I do believe Angela is I am not sure Tyler being head of household is a good move for him it gets blood on his hands and puts him as a Target he should have flown under the radar he had deals with everyone almost I think this puts him in danger
I don't think Tyler being HOH is good for his game it makes him a Target now or it will and I don't think Haley is a threat I think Angela is and I think Tyler could use Scotty to his advantage
Would love to see this!
I agree with you The Keeles. JC would be a good person to go! I hope either S or H wins veto to force Tyler's hand here. Can't have so many final two deals.
I think it’s interesting to watch the ‘hive’ members without Bayleigh and Rockstar. Those two definitely took over where Swaggy left off. Now that Fessy is gone, Haleigh is just starting to play a sensible game. It reminds me of the season with Jesse, Natalie, etc. you’ve got a couple of people playing emotionally that are leading, and the rest of the crew is taking up their cause, one they are willing to throw their game away for. It’s so short sided and I’m sure that most regret it. I see that regret in Haleigh. I actually admire her for finally getting to know the other girls and not letting Fessy stop her from hanging out with them last week Even with that said, she is too dangerous to keep. She almost always wins when she needs to and I think she would take a shot at Tyler. I’m worried about Tyler in the double eviction, as he can’t play in the first round. As long as L6 stays loyal (crossing my fingers). I love how Tyler accepts these final twos, haha! Besides Kaycee and Sam, the other players casually throw the idea out. Like he said in the diary room the other night “if you wanna take me to the final two, surrrre (wink! Lol)” love it!! Sorry for the long post!! Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!! Especially you Jaime <3 we need more puppy pics btw :) xo
I hope Scottie wins the veto. It would make this week so much more exciting!
So I guess Scottie knows now that Tyler isn’t his guy - really hope Scottie wins veto
I'd like to see Scottie and Haleigh get closer now that she realizes that she let others (Fes, Bayleigh, RS) influence her game and put her in the position she is currently in. They would make a cute couple. I also agree that JC has to go and soon. He is a menace and a deadly player. Look at what he did to Fes's game and he will do it to Brett's and/or Haleigh's.
Can we watch the HOH comp back on the feeds?
I want scottie to go because he probably he can take out Tyler. I do want to see jc leave but in afraid he'll mess up tylers game somehow thr same with sam.
I have been saying for quite awhile now, JC HAS TO GO! He is shady and dangerous and will win if he ends up in the final 2. I like Scottie, but I was rooting for him to leave as well because he was flying under the radar and is a good gamer and I’m L6 all the way!
Also, I love Brett! I find him entertaining, he is enjoying this experience, while still playing the game, and not making anything personal, and he is funny.
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