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Monday, July 23, 2018

Veto Ceremony Spoiler

Good afternoon, BB addicts! The Veto Ceremony was held this afternoon and when the feeds came back on (12:40pm BBT), we learned what happened...

Faysal USED the Veto to save Haleigh
Rockstar is the replacement nom
Rockstar/Kaitlyn are on the block

When the feeds came back, we saw Rockstar smoking in the backyard and crying. Brett was also out in the backyard on the other side.

Rockstar: "Maybe after the finale, we can go hit a piano bar."
Brett: "Just maybe."

Meanwhile, Kaitlyn was having one of her full-blown meltdowns with Fessy as you might have guessed.

Don't forget that whichever HG gets evicted, will have "the chance" to come back in the game anyway, so even if Kaitlyn or Rockstar is evicted, they could come back anyway,. (*If I was Sam, I'd aim to get Rockstar out because she's terrible at comps and it'd be an easy kill..Otherwise Sam risks having 2 houseguests staying and being pissed off at her. Not good.)

Speaking of being pissed off, JC is mad at Sam because he was her original choice for a renom to ensure that Kaitlyn would get voted out but he changed her mind last minute. JC is also mad at Fessy.

As someone on Twitter pointed out, this week isn't really Rockstar VS Kaitlyn. It's JC Vs Tyler, as JC wants Kaitlyn gone and Tyler wants Rockstar gone. If Tyler can't get JC's vote (to get Rockstar out), then he'll have to work on Sam to keep Kaitlyn in the event of a tie breaker situation. The problem with that is that Sam isn't easily influenced and she also doesn't like Kaitlyn. So Tyler better get to work if he wants Kaitlyn to stay.

This week is gonna be a mess, much like this awesome season has been. I'm so here for it all!! lol Turn on your live feeds, it's gonna be a long night!!!

Stay tuned...
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UnionGrl said...

For the Fab 5 I guess it would be better if Rockstar went but frankly, the sooner Namaste and all her crying and self-centered drivel goes the better. I know she's considered feed gold but she has worn me out with her hysterics, auras, and general drippiness. This week should be a doozy if Fez doesn't kill her first.

HokiePokie said...

I can't hear her voice for one more second. But I doubt the producers will let her go.

Missy said...

I am wondering if Tyler thinks he can make Kaitlyn his Victoria, (I really hope not!!) or if on some insane level he really likes her. She is truly disgusting how she expects everyone to be her support system and they should all work together to help her win the game. Fessy has shown that he is a mark. He is more interested in making a relationship than the game. He wants to be haleigh and Kaitlyn's Superman. I was feeling sorry for him having Kaitlyn scolding/crying at him nonstop but then yesterday he went looking for her so all sympathy is gone. I hope he goes soon. He is a nice guy but im not interested in watching love connection, I'm watching big brother. I have to say I am rooting for JC. He is killing this game, influencing so many but not officially in an alliance so he is free to make connections. I didn't expect his game to be what it is. Very surprised and impressed. Tyler is too wrapped up in Kaitlyn, can't watch him anymore.

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