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Sunday, July 15, 2018

Sunday: The Overnighter

Happy Sunday, y'all!! We are halfway through Scottie's HOH and in case you missed the last few days, he has nominated The Bros (Winston/Brett) for eviction this week. He has no plans in changing the noms and now that he won the Veto yesterday, he can make sure his noms stay the same. He also mentioned that he does not want to backdoor anyone this week either, so I firmly believe the noms will stay the same, as he won't even entertain the backdoor option for his HOH week. At this point, it looks like Brett might be the one going, but we still have 4 days until eviction and anything can happen. By the way, anyone else super shocked at Scottie being a comp beast?! I know I am! Wowza.

Speaking of Brett, he said he didn't understand the veto comp yesterday and that's why he lost. Scottie, on the other hand, was strategic and dipped his bandanna in water and put it back on his head to help him get through the comp, which apparently involved spinning. Scottie mentioned that he couldn't imagine doing the comp while being a Have Not as it would've been that much harder to compete in.

And then we have Kaitlyn. Crazy "Stage 5 Clinger" Kaitlyn. Now, I don't fault her entirely for her being clingy to Tyler because he was the one who played her like a violon during her HOH so that he could control her/her HOH last week. But at some point, you'd think a gal would get the hint that 'he's just not that into you' and realize that you were being played in a game.

8:46pm BBT:
HOH Landing
Tyler: "Go hang out (with other hg's)."
Kaitlyn: "I don't want to not be with you. What don't you understand?!"
Tyler: "You said you wanted to be with everybody else."
Kaitlyn: "No i don't! I literally only wanna be with you."


In other news, The Bros had their planned late-night talk with Scottie and offered a Final 3 with him (at 1:00am BBT).

It went about as good as you'd expect it to go. lol Scottie mentioned how they'd take each other to F2 and well...there's nothing more to cover on this conversation because it's that stupid. lol

There was some fun and flirty behavior between Rachel/Fessy last night, as they goofed off in the HOH room and on the HOH's video intercom. (10:35pm BBT)
I always like Week 3/4 because that's when the HG's really start becoming themselves, having fun, getting closer to each other, more intense fights, etc. And like clockwork, we're right on cue for this season.

**And that's it for the Overnighter! Some other interesting tidbits from last night, is that JC said he doesn't want Rockstar Angie to get to jury, and that he wants to go after her and Kaitlyn next week. Speaking of Rockstar Angie, she told Bayleigh that if she won HOH, she'd try to backdoor Tyler w/ Winston/Angela on the block.

I'm not 100% sure where all the votes fall yet this week, but I do know that Rachel/Angela want Brett to stay, as JC/Tyler want Brett gone. Scottie has said that he really doesn't care which one of the bros goes home, so we'll have to wait and see how the week plays out.

I want to take a minute and thank everyone who has donated to the blog this past week and all season long, you guys & gals are the absolute BEST!!! I seriously couldn't be here with y'alls support, y'all are the ones that make that all possible! THANK YOU!!! 

Today is Sunday Funday for me, so I'll be back taking the rest of the day off from the feeds and blogging. Enjoy tonight's new BB20 Sunday Night Episode where we'll see Scottie make his nominations for the week. Later, gators!!

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

After seeing diary I am appreciating Scottie.

Jeff - Louisville, KY said...

Kaitlyn and Tyler as a couple? Why not? They’re playing a great game together. Both are free spirits.

I’d love to see Sam and Scottie get together. They would be a great couple.

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