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Friday, July 27, 2018

Friday: The Overnighter

Good morning and Happy TGI-Fridayyyy!!! The HOH Comp was held immediatley following last nights live show and the feeds came back on at 9:51pm BBT...

Winner of the HOH Comp is:

According to the houseguests, the comp was luck-based. JC was irritated that it wasn't a skilled comp instead. Before I get into the Overnighter, I forgot to mention yesterday that Bayleigh said her period is "4 days late" (so today would be Day 5). Her/Swaggy had unprotected sex in the house and Swaggy asked for "Plan B" (aka morning after pill) supposedly but production said she'd have to ask herself. I'm guessing she never did.

So, who is Bayleigh's target this week? Brett. As it stands right now, it looks like she'll nominate Brett/JC with Rachel as the renom possibility. Bay told Rachel she might go up as a pawn this week (3:36am BBT), as Rachel asked if maybe Angela could go up as a pawn instead. According to Bay, Rachel wasn't happy that she won HOH and gave her an attitude afterwards. (2:12am BBT)

At different points last night, Bay made her dislike for JC well known through two powerful statements..

1:56am BBT:
Bayleigh: "If I don't nom JC, that little thing has to be loyal. If he runs around talking, he can be the replacement."

5:11am BBT:
Bayleigh: "JC is annoying and offensive. If he says one more offensive thing to me, I’m going to step on him."

Bayleigh had her one-on-ones in ther HOH room with everyone last night except for Sam, which she said she'll do this morning. Sam's safe this week because Bay said that's "her girl", so there's no rush on that upcoming convo.

Angela wants Bay to join Level 6, as JC wants Bay to work with him/Scottie/Fessy/Haliegh/Tyler. Speaking of Tyler, Bay/Rockstar no longer think that Tyler is "running things" in the house and Bayleigh said she's gonna give Tyler the week off to "reset" because he's a "wounded bird". Bay also told Rockstar she thinks Tyler has an app power (*he does.) and said she thinks he won it Week 1. (*He did.)

A good conversation to flashback to on the Flashback Feeds, is the one between Bay/Tyler at 10:15pm BBT.

She tells him that she's not putting him up this week, she thinks he's a "genuinely nice guy" (*he's so good at being charming lol) and wants him to play in the veto comp with her this week. She wants his loyalty and thinks this week can be "baby steps" to achieving a good relationship between them both. Bay told him how she wants to be "the first black person to win Big Brother", as Tyler is surprised there hasn't been any black winners yet. He encourages to try and thinks she can do it. A little while later in the night, Bay tells Haleigh to get her flirt-game on with Tyler and see where his head is at. (This is after Haleigh asked Bay if she should dial down flirting with the guys in the house, to which Bay said no.)

Throughout her convos with HG's, she made a lot of them pledge their loyalty to her, including Scottie (which she made him put his hand on the bible for), Fessy, and Haleigh (asking for Hal to choose her VS Fessy every time).

Another convo to listen to is Fessy/Bay at 1:55am BBT where Fessy reminds Bayleigh that Rachel/Angela/Kaycee haven't done anything in the house and they're just skating by without ever winning comps, being on the block, they're never in the drama..just cruising through the game. He wants them to feel the heat of the block to get them playing.

*And that's it for this Overnighter!! Today is the Nomination Ceremony and we can expect Bayleigh to finally have her talk with Sam this morning, and then the noms to take place later on today. I'll be back with the Afternoon Post and have the Nomination Ceremony spoiler for y'all as well. Until then, enjoy watching the houseguests on the live feeds today!!

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

Tyler is really good, it's scary. How did the 3 people who wanted him out so bad all of a sudden feel bad for him this week and want to give him a break. I was scared that he would be the target this week when I saw that Bayleigh won HOH, she is not even putting him up as a replacement if veto is used. I hope he makes it far because he is playing a goood game.

Level 6 has to be one of the best alliances in BB history, they are very loyal to each other especially to Tyler.

JC surprised me with his vote and I thought he was trying to blame Tyler for it only to find out he is trying to pin it on Scottie to make it look like Scottie was trying to blame Tyler.

As much as Kaitlyn annoyed me, I kind of miss her being in the house. My intuition/ spirit guide is telling me she might skip finale night when she catches up on the show/real life/twitter lol

Gr8teful1957 said...

Does anyone see the irony of Bay calling JC a “little thing” and saying she’d step on him?

Holly said...

I am just curious. Bayleigh talks about how JC is offensive but calling him 'that little thing' and saying she would step on him.. Isn't that pretty offensive as well or is it justme? I haven't cared for her since the beginning.

Missy said...

I liked Bailey until reading her comments about JC. Maybe it is because I don't want JC to go home but her comments about him show that she will take the easy way to insult him or make fun of his height. Guess that whole learning moment was just about her and she can't see beyond that.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for taking the time to fill us in with your blog. I am grateful that you are so very meticulous as to who said what and what time. That takes a lot of energy. Namaste

Unknown said...

Bayleigh’s comments about JC and his height are extremely inappropriate, distasteful and offensive! I hope, especially after CBS did that piece on their misunderstanding that they will air her continued ignorance. Very disappointing...

Unknown said...

Bayleigh is playing hard now that her head is finally in the game ..... minus the name calling she realizes JC is pretty strong mentally in this game of BB... and with her realizing Tyler has an app and acknowledging it publicly, she didn't waste her time trying to get him out of the game at this point.....a really smart move

Unknown said...

Although I’m glad that Kaitlyn got evicted last night, am I the I my one who is a little sad that she won’t be around to get zinged by Zingbot?

Sarah Leann said...

I come agree! Didn't want to say anything at first and change my words being twisted, but it's pretty upsetting.

Dianne said...

I agree re Bay's comments about JC being offensive. OTOH I think JC gets away with a lot partly because of his small size. He is very rude to production and runs all around the house acting like he runs it (I do enjoy his antics but he woould wear me out if I were cooped up with him 24/7, he reminds me of Josh). He has no idea Tyler is running things and Bay and her pals are at least partially oblibious as they don't seem to get that confiding in Tyler about anything is game suicide. How is this kid a life guard and not the head of a company or something lol. From what I gather a push from the other side (after a suggestion to put up Rockstar went nowhere) is mounting for Scottie to go. Rachel, Angela and JC think they can influence Bay in that direction, but I don't know what Tyler wants. And I don't think Bay will fall for it. I love (not) how Rachel and Angela run their mouths about what Bay should do when they do literally nothing but ride Tyler's coat tails. If I were Tyler, I would target JC. He's dangerous! I don't care who wins, but my favorites are Hayleigh, Bayleigh, Scotty and Fessy. I always seem to root for the underdogs.

Eddie said...

Tyler is close, but I am still waiting for 2 HG guest from different sides of the house to join forces and become a power couple. Example, Bay is link to one side n Ty is linked to the other side. It would have to be a top secret alliance. They could compare notes on what both sides are think, n make moves to evict all HG till they are the only two left standing. I think Ty should approach Bay n tell her, I had to get rid of Chris, so you n I could go to the finals?

Unknown said...

Bayleigh is playing hard now that her head is finally in the game ..... minus the name calling she realizes JC is pretty strong mentally in this game of BB... and with her realizing Tyler has an app and acknowledging it publicly, she didn't waste her time trying to get him out of the game at this point.....a really smart move

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