Watch BB20!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Weds: BB20 Finale

It's here! It's here!! It's finally here!!! Tonight is the Big Brother Season 20 finale!! Who's excited?! I totally am and yet, I'm sad that this amazing season has come to an end. We laughed, we cried, we got the BB season we all deserved (finally! lol) The Final 3 is a good one and if Tyler/Kaycee are in Final 2 together, we'll have the best F2 this season could've asked for. Truly.

(pic from Stacy A. on the BB Addicted Facebook Group, she made this cake!)

On tonight's finale, we will see the jury roundtable with Dr. Will, Final HOH Part 3 (Tyler VS Kaycee), then JC get evicted (since Ty/Kay are taking each other to F2), the final 2 speeches and then the live jury vote.

I'll also be doing a post after the finale, and you'll wanna stick around for that. ;)

Tonight's season finale begins at 9:30pm ET, so make sure you meet me back here then with your snackies ready to go!! :D

9:30pm ET:
Big Brother 20 Finale begins...

9:49pm ET:
BB showed Part 1 Final HOH where Tyler won and then Part 2 (JC VS Kaycee)...

..where Kaycee won against JC!

9:55pm ET:
Jury Roundtable discussed how good Tyler is playing the game and how much of a comp beast Kaycee is. Angela outted Level 6 to everyone. They were shocked. (*I'm surprised Brett didn't tell them all.)

10:03pm ET:
Time for Part 3 HOH (Tyler VS Kaycee)

Winner of Part 3 Final HOH is:


It came down to a tie breaker.

10:20pm ET:
Evicted from the BB House is:


(but we already knew that was gonna happen.)

Note: I'm having severe internet issues currently and gifs are taking forever to upload, so I'll add them after the show.

10:34pm ET:
Jurors just asked Tyler/Kaycee questions on their game play/moves.
Up next, F2 speeches.

10:45pm ET:
Tyler and Kaycee did their F2 speeches (Tyler's was better, in my opinion).

Then the jury cast their votes and they are now officially locked in. Up next, pre-jurors return!

10:56pm ET:

Winner of Big Brother Season 20 is:


CONGRATS to Kaycee!! It's well deserved!!

Winner of America's Favorite Player is:


(He looked so shocked and humbled, had tears in his eyes aww!)

Stay tuned for another post in about 20 mins!

Sidenote: Swaggy proposed to Bayleigh, she said yes, I barfed.
Stay tuned...
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Johnny Fontane said...

Tyler and Kayce are the most deserving to be in the final two. But wouldn’t the HOH want to take the weaker player to final 2?

Carrie T said...

Oh yayayay! Kaycee!! I’m so happy for her!! Eeekkk. Good job!

Niki said...

The proposal was just plain puke worthy.

I’m genuinely happy for both Kaycee and Tyler. It’s well deserved and they provided the best season in a dang long time!

Thank you for all your updates!

Unknown said...

I think we may have a BB baby coming...

Unknown said...

Kaycee knew she won. Tyler had way more "blood on his hands" in that jury. His only ally was brett.

Unknown said...

I don’t understand this logic. Three is a crowd! Angela and Tyler are a couple. Why didn’t they stick together until the end? Tyler needed to tell Kaycee.... things have changed. Angela deserved to have Tyler go hard for her. All three played the same game. I hope Angela ghost this dude! Ultimate betrayal.

I bet Kaycee would have gone with ‘Bae’ and kicked Tyler to the curb if she was in the same position.

Whatevs! I am happy Kaycee won. Just don’t like how Tyler treated Angela at the end.

Then again Tyler and Angela didn’t treat people nice in this game.

Rachel GOT the last laugh! :’)

Ripley said...

Well deserved all around, and hope you cover Celebrity BB and if not. See you next year : )

Unknown said...

It was very rude, the proposal and them talking over Julie when she trying to get to the votes.

Cbrown said...

I believed it was rude of Chris to steal the limelight from the two finalist. Julie had to rush their responses because of Chris' ego.

Unknown said...

Was that Lady Gaga in the crowd?

wantmoredrama said...

Thank you Jamie! For an awesome season of blogging and updates! I would rather donate to you than watch the live feeds. I will continue to do that!! YOu do a great job! I about threw up on my couch when Chris stood up to talk to Baleigh. YUK! Her response was off kiltered and ridiculous. They barely know each other. I wish them luck - they are gonna need it. I am happy Kaycee won but I think Tyler probably deserved it more. The jury voted emotionally instead of best game player. Kaycee came on strong in the end though - so kudos to her!! Thanks again Jamie!! YOU ROCK!

Unknown said...

I will not be back next year to watch.2seasons in a row the best player didn't win. These quote on quote super fans are voting emotionally and not who played the best game

Unknown said...

I’m sure Julie was informed of Chris proposing (we look at enough television to know that) Anywho, they have more of a chance of working out than Tyler and Angela. I hated Tyler’s game after witnessing Derek win who would play BB like that and expect to win. Kaycee played a better game!

Unknown said...

*Quote, unquote*

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