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Sunday, September 9, 2018

Sunday: Veto Comp Spoiler

Happy Sunday Funday, guys & gals!! The HG's had their Veto Comp super late last night and the feeds finally returned at 12:11am BBT.

Winner of the Veto is:


With Kaycee winning the veto, she will definitely not be using the veto and will keep her own noms the same. We can expect to see Haleigh get evicted on Thursday. Haleigh pretty much knows she's a goner and was mumbling "f*cking idiot" to herself because she did so poorly in the Veto Comp. (Sounds like she came in last place.) Kaycee was stellar in the comp..which was the BB Comics finishing it in only 2 mins. She said she got everything right the 1st time. Wow!

Brett was a hot mess during the comp and explained to the other HG's that he "broke Winston", sliced his hand open on Winston's comic, fell, rolled his ankle, lost a shoe and BB had to pause everything to check on him. (*lol)

Level 6 are already planning for the upcoming Double Eviction on Thursday. Tyler said that if JC wins HOH, then "they" (L6) has to win the Veto and take one of JC's noms off the block (which Tyler warned them that JC said he'll put up Angela/Kaycee), put up Sam as the pawn and L6 will have the votes to get Sam out VS any L6 houseguest. If L6 wins HOH, then Sam will be the target.

Tomorrow (Monday) is the Veto Ceremony but like I said, Kaycee will not be using it, so just go out and enjoy your week. lol Thursday night's show will be intense and I can't wait for that, but the next few days will be as boring as watching paint dry on the feeds. I'll be back tomorrow with the official Veto Ceremony Spoiler, though.

Have a great Sunday Funday, y'all!!!

PS Tonight's BB episode is on at 8pm ET and will show Nicole/Victor getting engaged. Should be a fun show to watch.

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

I wonder when(or if)Tyler will realize that Kaycee is not the best person to take to f2

Walkrock said...

I would like to see a dog for the whole season. Why dont they give them a pet....would be a little more entertaining.

Victoria Stairz said...

I've thought that, too! But then I thought, "Where would it poop?" That's not a *real* backyard. Maybe they could give them a cat and litter box.

pgh fan said...

Tyler should take Brett lol best chance of winning

Unknown said...

Because Sam would eat it

Jen B. said...

Agree that Tyler may lose in a F2 with Kaycee.

Also, does everyone just want to drag JC to the F2 - why would Sam be the target over him?

Unknown said...

I love Kaycee. I hope she is final 2

Razldazlrr said...

I think Kaycee just held back earlier in the season. She is an athlete - I always thought she could have done better in comps.

Unknown said...

You must not own a pet. Stick to the fishies

Dnhunter87 said...

I was just telling my husband the other night that they need a dog lol

Mrskanetastik said...

Oh my gosh I say that every year!!! Finally someone agreesšŸ¤£

Unknown said...

How about Paul has to live in the back yard, chained up in a little dog house? Not as a player though, maybe as a "friendship companion".

wantmoredrama said...

Not gonna lie.... I totally understand why you aren’t posting during the week! It must be pretty boring in the house right now. That being said, I miss pulling up the blog and reading your posts Jamie! Your humor just makes my day sometimes! Your Thoughts as to who you want to win, who America is cheering for, etc., have always aligned with mine! But the way you put things into words is absolutely comical sometimes! I hope your puppies are being good for you and that you are loving the time away from every day blogging. I’ll survive. LOL

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