In other news...
In case you haven't yet heard on the facebook group or Twitter yet, JC is in hot water for two separate incidences on the live feeds. First, he was touching Tyler and kissed his armpit as Tyler was sleeping (this was after Tyler told JC he didn't want him to sleep in bed with him, but he stayed anyway and did all this after Tyler fell asleep). It's been on Yahoo! News, Newsweek and various other news outlets. If you'd like to see the video of JC/Tyler, click here to view the Tweet.
As if that's not enough, JC also opened up the bathroom stall door while Haleigh was in it/using it and tied the door knob to the wall/fixture so that it would stay open, exposing Haleigh. (JC claims she was "fully clothed" and you "couldn't see anything", and refuses to apologize for the "prank".) Sam went off on JC, as JC got mad at Sam. When this happened on the feeds, Haleigh called out to production for help, as Sam came to her rescue. (If you'd like to see the video of Haleigh/JC, click here.)
BB spoiler Vegas on Twitter said that Haleigh filed a complaint against JC but Tyler has not. She also said that Tyler is aware of what JC did. A lot of fans want JC to be expelled, but all production did was talk to JC. Again. (If you remember, JC was talked to earlier in the season for inappropiate behavior by taking an ice cream scoop to female HG's privates).
In game related news...
Brett has warned Level 6 that JC could take a shot at them if he wins HOH tonight. Tyler doesn't seem phased by this, as Angela is more concerned by it. Angela is also concerned that there might be a Battle Back and that all the jurors hate her, so that's not good for her game. Oh boy. Fessy is still set to leave tonight. The only possible vote for him to stay, would be Sam. Level 6 told Sam she can vote however she wants/whatever is best for her game. This is leading to Angela/Tyler think that Sam will probably throw Fessy a vote to secure a juror vote if she makes it to F2. (Tyler doesn't think she'll get that far anyway, so he's not worried about it.)
Tonight's HOH Comp will be on the live feeds, as the eviction and Battle Back will be on the show. This is per the CBS email that us affiliates received this evening. The show starts at 9pm ET, so make sure you grab your snackies and meet me back here then!!
9:00pm ET:
Big Brother begins!
9:11pm ET:
Tyler in the DR said he has 4 Final 2 deals: JC/Kaycee/Brett/Sam and that if he needs to cut Angela, he will. He's there for the $500k.
9:17pm ET:
Showing JC pitching to Tyler and Brett (separately) to go after Angela/Kaycee. (As we know, today Brett told L6 he thinks JC is going to take a shot at them.) Up next, the live eviction!
9:23pm ET:
Fessy threw Angela under the bus. (It wasn't that good of a speech, though. lol)
The Votes:
Tyler votes to evict FESSY
Brett votes to evict FESSY
Sam votes to evict HALEIGH (not shocked)
JC votes to evict FESSY
Kaycee votes to evict FESSY
Evicted from the BB House is:
9:40pm ET:
Jury house footage!
9:45pm ET:
Bay/Rock/Scottie find out that Fessy is the 4th juror. They're shocked.
Fessy apologized to Scottie and said that he (Fessy) "is so stupid". (*lol)
9:53pm ET:
9:59pm ET:
Scottie re-enters the house and everyone is so happy, especially Tyler! (He can't stop jumping up and down).
Before Scottie went back in the game, he told Julie he's going to team up with Tyler and resurect "Skyler" again, but he wants Angela out because she seems "to be the problem". Uh oh!
The HOH Comp will be on the live feeds tonight!! I will NOT be covering it live, but I will update with screenshots tonight before I go to bed (unless it lasts hours, which I don't think it will). So stay tuned & turn on those live feeds!!!
Stay tuned...
Thank you for the updates! We have football on here in the southeast, so no B.B. until much later. I’m staying up just to read your updates so I know what’s happening!
You're welcome!!
Same here! My team isn't winning AND no BB.
Blocked out online. Any other streaming site?
Is there any way to watch the show? Video brother doesn't work anymore. I hate football!!
Ok when will they turn live feeds on to watch hoh comp or what time will they play it
How does Vegas on Twitter know so much ??
Tyler wins HoH!
wow - that battle back seems like it was made for the guys, especially Fessy. He has the longest arms to grab the balls and drop them. Glad Scottie is the one back though, he has turned out to be much stronger in physical comps than I thought he would be in the beginning.
If we have the feeds, are we able to go back and watch the HOH comp?
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