Watch BB20!

Friday, August 31, 2018

Friday: The Overnighter

Happy TGI-Friday, y'all! Last night, we saw Fessy get evicted and then Scottie win the Battle Back Comp. We're still at 8 houseguests left and less than a month of BB20 to go. Wow, less than a month! This season is flying by!

At 10:42pm BBT, the live feeds showed the HG's starting their HOH Comp and ended an hour later around 11:46pm BBT.

Winner of the HOH Comp is:


So, who is Tyler going to nominate for eviction this week? Well, according to a DR leak at 2:37am BBT, Tyler said he's thinking of nominating Haleigh/Scottie. (Production asked him about his potential noms.)

The order of houseguests that fell in the HOH Comp are:
JC 1st to fall (no surprise there since he throws comps)
Sam 2nd
Scottie 3rd
Brett 4th
Kaycee 5th
Haleigh 6th
Tyler (won)

Haleigh said she only had 5-10 mins left in here because her legs were shaky, as Tyler said he didn't have much more fight in him either due to his arms getting weak. After the comp, Haleigh was upset that Sam kept cheering Tyler on to win.

Angela asked Brett (12:30am BBT) what will happen if Scottie wins the veto. Brett said Sam or JC will go up as the renom if need be.

So that's where we are for this Friday! Tyler has to make his official nominations today, and then the Veto Comp tomorrow. Who do you want to win it? I'll be back tonight with an afternoon post update. Until then, enjoy the feeds and enjoy your Friday!!

Stay tuned...
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Nicole Chenault said...

I think Tyler has earned this one. If he's not careful his house of cards will crash horribly around him, but at this point, today, he's done a fair job of keeping his nose clean as far as the others are concerned.

UnionGrl said...

Is a double still on the horizon? I can't figure the numbers but I know you guys keep better track. I understand putting Scottie up but it seems a shame to possibly throw him out so soon. Oh well, . . .

Razldazlrr said...

bummer - I wanted scottie to win hoh - these people are going to be sorry they didn't take tyler out when they had the chance!

Unknown said...

Tyler is hiding his real #2(scottie) They both play the veto and he keeps L6 happy...i think. The other side couldve taken control but only in their dreams.
Thanks again for the best blog out there. "Look, Im Brett."

Dianne said...

Ty has 2 many final 2's.

Rachel said...

Ty shld take Brett to final 2, nobody likes Brett lol

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