out via backdoor this week and he told Kaitlyn he trusts her post-ceremony.
Veto players have not yet been picked (that'll be today). If Winston gets HG choice during veto players picking, he said he's gonna choose Brett.
**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $6/month all access pass!!
At 6:43pm BBT, Fessy is playing Kaitlyn the same way Tyler is..by giving lots of attention and claiming to having feelings for her. Kaitlyn told Tyler about Fessy having feelings for her. Tyler said Fessy having feelings for Kaitlyn is putting him "in a weird spot".
Tyler said that Faysal is his friend and this is a game and "any little reason can add up".
Swaggy is suspicious of Tyler since he never shares info with him and at 1:59am BBT, he mentioned to Scottie how Tyler must've told Kaitlyn how he (Swaggy) said that Kaitlyn is at the bottom of the totem pole in their alliance.
Faysal thinks they (Faysal/Bayleigh/Swaggy) are all safe this week. During this convo (11:11pm BBT), Swaggy and Faysal mention that they want Brett out soon.
Then they switched topics to Steve and how he might be sequestered. (*According to BB8 winner Evel Dick, Steve is indeed in sequester, which would indicate that he and other evicted HG's might have a battle back comp of some sort in a few weeks.) Don't forget that Sam still has her Bonus Life power and if she doesn't use it on herself or someone else this week (2nd eviction) and next week (3rd eviction), then the 4th evicted HG will automatically get the chance to chance to return to the game.
Sam told Kaycee (9:13pm BBT) that she likes her (Kaycee)/Tyler/Scottie/JC the most in the house.
At 11:32pm BBT, Tyler still giving Kaitlyn all the amounts of attention she needs to keep her close to him.
Meanwhile downstairs, Sam's shaving JC's back.
At 1:23am BBT, Winston says if he's still on the block come Thursday, he's going off on everyone.
In other news, Swaggy mentioned last night (talking to himself) that if he wins HOH next week, then Tyler/Kaitlyn are going up on the block. If the noms stay the same, then it looks like Scottie might be the one to get evicted because Winston would have the 5 votes from his alliance plus JC's vote, as Scottie would need Sam's vote just to tie the votes and then get Kaitlyn to break that tie in his favor.
Oh, and Sam revealed to Kaitlyn last night that she won the 1st BB App Store power and that it was good for her to keep her last week. Kaitlyn said "I f*cking knew it!" Sam said she must have a good intuition.
And that's it for The Overnighter! Today we can expect the veto comp players to get picked and then play the Veto Comp this afternoon sometime. Also, I'll be posting the 1st episode of the BB20 Saga from former HG Wil Heuser, so keep an eye out for that. Until then, you can enjoy your Saturday watching the cheap $6/m live feeds on you cell phone, laptop, ipad, whatever ya got!
Those of you who have donated to the blog, a HUGE thank you from the bottom of my heart!! I literally could not/would not be able to be here without y'alls support! (You can support the blog by either signing up for the feeds through any link/banner on the blog, or by donating with the button on the left side of the blog or bottom of every post).
Stay tuned...
Awesome recap!!! Kail is getting played-the crazy thing is that I think she knows it and is lovin every minute of it.
thanks! and LOL @ your hashtag
Kaitlyn will not be swaggy if given the chance. If she does then she will become the dumbest player in bb history. That move basically will put a huge target on her back with all her Foutte alliance gunning to take her out. She basically will be signing her own games death certificate. The Steve betrayal was in the dark, she would have to bring to light her snarkiness if she bd swaggy. I truly believe she will come to sense and realize that wont be good for her. What u think?
I'm thining you're right, Robert. But she's not the brightest crayon in the box and she's getting played (easily) by Tyler and now Fessy is trying to play her too. Tyler is using her to do her bidding and she's doing it all. Tyler is gonna walk away from this week getting part of a duo out via Kaitlyn and with no blood on his hands UNLESS his game gets blown up, which is a possiblitly. it's going to be an interesting week that's for sure!
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